
by silverhawk79

These are the rules for our Discord server. They apply to text and voice chat, nicknames, and any other areas associated with this server including DMs.


1. No illegal content or NSFW content. This includes sexually explicit or adult content, links related to piracy, hate speech, or anything that would bring into question the values of ethics of Liftoff!

2. Be respectful of others — elevate the discourse. Flaming one another, harassment, flooding the channel, doxing, general disrespect, or other objectionable content will be removed. Swearing should be used sparingly.

3. Post content in the appropriate channels. The #freelancing channel will be utilized for any discussions related to freelancing and job prospects. #liftoff-ggw will be utilized for any discussion around our sites including pitching windows, content, etc. Additional channels will be added and detailed as needed.

4. Adhere to best practices when using voice channels including minimizing background noise, avoiding channel hopping, push to talk only, etc

5. Self promotion is acceptable in relevant channels. However, advertisements (for services, streams, or products) will only be considered when directly relevant to our work. Please ask the admin for guidance before posting ads.

6. Moderators and members of the Liftoff! Team reserve the right to remove posts and users, move users, ban or mute users, at their discretion. Appeals will only be heard by Admin.

7. Adhere to Discord’s community guidelines discord.com/guidelines